Integrating Physical and Data Security
Over 15,000 physical access control systems have been sold and installed in US corporations. These systems fully support integration of access control in both physical and logical space: Yet, less than a dozen companies have completed this integration. Despite the existence of these systems, the place to start the integration is with the people. Physical security personnel hold many of the key skills. Here is what I recommend:
1. Have physical security lead the risk based assessment of the company's computer systems. This skill is in their DNA. IT folks almost never conduct risk based assessments.
2. Have physical security write enforceable policies for change management within IT. IT seldom writes such policies for themselves...and when they do they seldom do them so they are readily enforceable.
3. Have physical security provide third party oversight when key change procedures are performed. This of data as cash: digital cash. Doing so highlights the need for third party oversight.
Integrating these three functions is the forerunner of integrating the access control systems. It follows the old IT adage: Do not automate broken processes.
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